Wilderness Society Community Organising Training

All set to go for my Wilderness Community Organising Training weekend.
Hey this place looks familiar. It's the May Drive Parkland we visited on Thursday.
We traveled along the Freeway passing the Geraldton Wax and Lantana, passed Parliament House with its Coral Trees to arrive at Kings Park. We strolled along the well maintained Kikuyu grass to observe the Spider Net Grevillea. The pond area has a prehistoric theme referencing; Calamites, Thromboloites, Stromalites, Cyan Bacteria and mucas.
(oh well, back to community organising training)
During the two days we covered many components of what it means to be an Organiser:

Community organising and movement building
Relational one-on-ones
Making an effective ask
'Organising Gatherings' as an effective movement building tactic
Using personal narrative
Developing a strategic organising campaign

If you're interested in reading up on different types of tactics, you can check out these two websites:


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