
Showing posts from 2018

Weeding at Singleton Beach

We weeded some of the saplings we planted at the beginning of the course

Gardening at North Woodvale P.S

 Our actives in this garden centered mainly around getting the couch grass out of the beds and compound.

Field trip to Karrakatta Cemetery

We got a look through the compound's modern facilities.

Art of Cyril Jackson

Woven Sculptures inspired by Claire Bushby Graffiti art around Cyril Jackson H.S 

School Gardening work at Cyril Jackson

Esham and I scored some school gardening work at Cyril Jackson H.S over the holiday break. A break from whipper snipping with Esham and Phil

Our efforts were Appreciated!

At Bull Creek Primary School we got a Certificate a party meal for our work; Kelly and Esham helping the gardener during Paul's class We were mentioned in the Roseworth Primary School Newsletter;

Dianella Heights PS bed making

This much was established when I arrived for work experience on this day. I helped dismantle some raised beds and transfer some dirt to this bed. We went on to do some more work with boards by the compost area.

the gardening course has brought me some casual employment

the before and after photos; (actually might be time for another visit)

Good2Grow Garden Market Day at Churchlands SHS

A return to my old high school for the Churchlands SHS garden market day. The event is an important fundraiser for the P&C which in turn supports numerous initiatives throughout the School. The old Science and Media block hasn't changed much in 30 years since I was here;

The Leederville TAFE gardens

The first of my serious botany sketches is of the Horticulture student's garden. Repairing and revitalising these wicking beds was our first project for the year. Since winter came no further watering has been required for these summer smart beds.

Plaza Smash Botany

Unexpected gardening adventures at Plaza Smash when I took the  Castor Bean  and Eucalyptus off cuts to South Perth Recycling Centre.

Leederville TAFE; where I have studied Mining

Leederville TAFE was where I studied Mining in 2010 Down in South Perth /Como area I came across this;  Granite with possibly Dolomite, Quartz and Feldspar phenocrysts and intrusions. ...and some ducks (they live here / not intruding)

Wilderness Society Community Organising Training

All set to go for my Wilderness Community Organising Training weekend. Hey this place looks familiar. It's the May Drive Parkland we visited on Thursday. We traveled along the Freeway passing the Geraldton Wax and Lantana, passed Parliament House with its Coral Trees to arrive at Kings Park. We strolled along the well maintained Kikuyu grass to observe the Spider Net Grevillea. The pond area has a prehistoric theme referencing; Calamites, Thromboloites, Stromalites, Cyan Bacteria and mucas. (oh well, back to community organising training) During the two days we covered many components of what it means to be an Organiser: Community organising and movement building Relational one-on-ones Making an effective ask 'Organising Gatherings' as an effective movement building tactic Using personal narrative Developing a strategic organising campaign If you're interested in reading up on different types of tactics, you can check out these two w...